Best Practices for Budgeting, Planning and Forecasting Using Excel

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Room: Osceola B - Convention Center, Level 2
  • Session Number:  438
  • / CEU Credits:1


Are you looking to improve your budgeting and forecasting process? Attend our session for tips, tricks and best practices that will help you continue to use Excel while also showing you how to streamline your budgeting and forecasting cycle, capture more meaningful information, and reduce the work required to manage the process.

Complete Session Survey Here

Learning Objectives

-Learn tips to work more efficiently in Excel for your budgeting process
-Assess your current Excel-based budgeting process and identify improvements/areas for efficiencies
-Determine how you can improve your budgeting / reporting process while continuing to use Excel


Alan Whitehouse
Chief Software Architect
True Sky Inc.